These guidelines govern player behavior and interactions within the game, forums, and website. Failure to comply with these rules may lead to temporary account suspension or permanent account termination. We maintain a strict policy, so please read and follow these rules to avoid any issues.
1. Account Management
- 1.1 Account Sharing - Sharing your account with others is prohibited. We are not responsible for any issues or consequences that arise from sharing your account.
- 1.2 Account Trading - Trading accounts or selling/buying them for real money is strictly against the rules and will lead to a ban.
- 1.3 Account Names - Your display name and any publicly visible character name should not include inappropriate, offensive, or obscene language. Deliberately creating multiple accounts or characters to block name availability for other players is also prohibited. Any violations will result in your name being changed to a generic one.
2. Player Behavior
- 2.1 Harassment - Harassment of any kind, whether directed at players or staff, is forbidden. This includes actions that negatively impact the enjoyment of others.
- 2.2 Scamming - Scamming is a serious offense. If you fall victim to a scam, please submit a support ticket, and we will investigate the issue.
- 2.3 Kill Stealing - Stealing kills from other players is strictly prohibited, whether it's with mobs or bosses.
- 2.4 Spying - Creating an account on the opposing faction to spy on their activities (such as trade chat or gameplay) is not allowed.
- 2.5 Safe Zone Protection - Killing within safe zones or behind guards is forbidden. Additionally, entering or trespassing in enemy factions' towns or bases is strictly prohibited.
3. Chat Conduct
- 3.1 Language - The primary language for communication in Shaiya Force is English. Please use English in public chat channels such as normal, trade, area, and PvP raid channels.
- 3.2 Harassment - Verbal harassment, disrespect, provocations, baiting, or any form of inappropriate behavior towards players or staff will not be tolerated.
- 3.3 Impersonation - Impersonating players or staff members is prohibited.
- 3.4 Advertising - Advertising other Shaiya servers in any of our chat channels is strictly forbidden.
4. Raids
- 4.1 Raid Join Mode - Raid join mode should remain open at all times, except in the following cases:
- If the raid is fighting a boss outside of PvP and the boss's health is below 50%, the join mode should be returned to "auto" if the boss resets or dies.
- If the raid is farming within an instance map.
- 4.2 Loot Mode - Loot mode should be set according to the situation:
- For public raids (PvP or boss raids, excluding farm raids), set loot mode to group loot.
- For farm raids, use group loot.
- For private raids, the raid leader may choose the loot mode.
- 4.3 Kicking Members - Kicking players from raids is only allowed in the following cases:
- The player is causing trouble or drama.
- The player is rejoining repeatedly to gain loot priority.
- The player is AFK for more than 5 minutes.
- The player is not in the correct area after being warned by the raid leader.
- The player does not have appropriate equipment (e.g., decent links, enchants, rerolls) for the raid.
- The player is below the level requirement for PvP bosses (level 60+ for bosses like Kimuraku, Seraphim, Dios).
- The player is not following raid instructions.
- The player has joined with a Hard Mode character (Hard Modes are intended for self-farming, not PvP or boss hunting).
- 4.4 Raid Announcements - Boss raids must be announced in trade chat whenever a boss is located. This should be done repeatedly.
- 4.5 Multiple Characters - Joining the same raid with more than one character is not allowed, unless the raid is a farm raid.
- Using multiple accounts or dual accounts to summon in PvP zones or destroy Altars is prohibited.
5. Hacks and Exploits
- 5.1 Client Modifications - Modifying the game client in any way is strictly prohibited.
- 5.2 Exploiting Game Flaws - Exploiting any vulnerabilities or flaws within the game is not permitted.
- 5.3 Third-Party Software - Using unauthorized third-party software (such as hacks, mods, or bots) is strictly prohibited.
By adhering to these rules, you help maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. Thank you for following the guidelines!